Action: MobCidades

MobCidades – Mobility, Budget, and Rights is promoted by INESC, in partnership with ten organizations in different cities of the “Cities Network, for Fair, Democratic, and Sustainable Territories” (Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, Ilhabela, Ilhéus, João Pessoa, Recife, São Luís, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Piracicaba).

The initiative aims to strengthen and foster popular participation in the management of urban mobility, with a focus on guaranteeing the right to the city and public transportation as a social right. Between 2017 and 2018, we trained 143 leaders from the ten cities with a three-day workshop titled “Introduction to Budget and Rights: How to Look at the Right to the City.” In addition to the workshops, NGOs from each of the cities involved in the project held dozens of meetings, mobilizations and advocacy activities in local budget laws.

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