Topic: International Agenda

International Agenda

How do you influence the international development agenda to ensure the progressive realization of human rights, equality, justice, socio-environmental sustainability, and social participation in decision-making processes? INESC works for economic, social, climatic, and environmental justice. We act, alongside partner organizations, in several global governance spaces, defending the commitment of States with four principles: to promote development for all; be transparent, be inclusive and democratic; to establish rules and ensure that they are respected; and break with the predatory and unsustainable model of development currently in practice.

We participate in the United Nations social, environmental, and climate conferences, meetings of the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT). Additionally, we monitor the meetings of the Multilateral Financial Institutions (IFIs), the New Development Bank (NDB), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

We are part of an international initiative of organizations along with the OAS and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights that promote the preparation of a report on fiscal policy and human rights and denounce the impact of austerity measures on people’s lives.

We have also integrated various initiatives of international civil society organization such as the Fiscal Justice Network of Latin America and the Caribbean (Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y Caribe) and the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, as well as Forus, for which a member of the INESC management board, Iara Pietricovisky, was elected president for the 2018-2020 period.

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