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  • Fiscal Justice for Women in Brazil
    Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Disc...
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  • Subsidies for fossil and renewable energy (2018-2022): reforming for a fair energy transition
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  • Illustrated Guide to Inflation, Monetary Policy and Human Rights
    Illustrated and didactic booklet shows why the Central Bank's conse...
  • Fossil Fuels Subsidies in Brazil: know, assess and reform (5th edition)
    Fifth edition of the study “Subsidies to fossil fuels: know, assess...
  • Access to Medicines Thematic Budget (OTMED 2021)
    The OTMED analyzes pharmaceutical assistance expenses incurred by t...
  • Brazil’s Energy Matrix and the Paris Agreement
    Between lack of ambition and the many challenges of NDC implementation
  • Anti-Indigenous Foundation: A Portrait of FUNAI Under the Bolsonaro Administration
    Dossier reveals persecution of employees and indigenous people by ...
  • The state of the art of monetary policy in Brazil
    The purpose of this report is to present and discuss the state of t...
  • How much does it cost to make a PGTA happen?
    Funding possibilities for Territorial and Environmental Management ...
  • Fossil fuels subsidies in Brasil (2020): know, assess and reform
  • Access to Medicines Thematic Budget 2020
    This study shows a small reduction in federal government spending o...
  • Training Course in Innovation and Access to Medicines for Health Counselors
    We have systematized the experience of the Training Course in Innov...
  • Access to Medicines – Thematic Budget 2019
    This latest edition of the series of publications shows that, in 20...
  • Thematic budget for science, technology and innovation in medicines (OTMED – ST&I)
    This technical note brings the first version of the Thematic Budget...
  • Ferrogrão, the Brazilian Grain Railway
    Get to know more about the polemic railway whose implementation is ...
  • Good practices and lessons learned on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the humanitarian response to the Venezuela/Brazil migration flow
    This report is the result of a process of evaluating the humanitari...
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  • Investments of International Financial Institutions in Brazil in 2020
    Investments of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in Brazi...
  • Analysis of the environmental clause in the free trade agreements between Mercosur and the EU and Mercosur and EFTA
    The socio-environmental impact of the agreements between economic b...
  • Electricity and energy expansion: advances, risks and limitations of the proposed trajectories
    The third publication brings an analysis between energy adaptation ...
  • Logistics infrastructure, agribusiness and climate
    The second article analyzes the resumption of a project for the occ...
  • Pilot Program for REDD+ Payment for Results: benefiting those who preserve the forest?
    The first article analyzes the Pilot Program for REDD+ Payment for ...
  • As soy moves forward: impacts of Hidrovias do Brasil in Itaituba, Pará
    A series of socio-environmental violations have taken place at Hidr...
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  • Does the National Council of the Amazon help the fight against deforestation?
    The Amazon Council is not capable of delivering what was promised; ...
  • Incentives and Subsidies to Fossil Fuels in Brazil in 2019: Identify, Evaluate, Reform
    In Brazil, in 2019, such incentives and subsidies reached the amoun...
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  • Fossil fuel subsidies in Brazil in 2018: know, evaluate, reform
    Inesc study reveals total destined to the oil, gas and coal sectors...
  • Access to Medicines Thematic Budget (2008-2018)
    Study presents evaluation of financial executions of the Ministry o...
  • How Governments Report On and Justify Budget Deviations
    The example from Brazil, explanation of underspending on women’s pr...
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    One year into Brazil’s 20-year constitutional cap on public spendin...

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