Action: Hub das Pretas

Hub das Pretas – The Young Black Women Empowered Against Racism and Sexism project was developed between 2016 and 2018. The initiative involved six organizations (INESC, Fase, Ibase, Criola, Ação Educativa and Oxfam Brazil) and took place in four cities – Recife, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília – with the support of Oxfam Brazil and the British Embassy. INESC was the organization responsible for its execution in Brasilia. The project sought to encourage the formation of hubs of black young women, that is, the creation of spaces for the articulation of collectives and movements to radiate information, creations, local solutions, culture, and positions against the violation of the rights of young black women.

In the federal capital, the project counted on 20 young people, belonging to 15 groups, who developed a set of actions, such as conducting research, participating in events, organizing self-managed activities, exchanges between cities, and promoting advocacy activities in defense of racial equality.

The project bore fruit to the webseries “Sonho de Preta Conta”, filmed in July of 2017 during the Festival Afrolatinas, the biggest black women’s event in Latin America and the Caribbean. The 12 episodes contain testimonies of black women who reaffirm the need for the renewal of dreams and utopias, even in difficult times. Watch the video in Portuguese, with subtitles in English:

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