Action: Strengthening the Corre

The “Fortalecendo o Corre” project aims to bring together youth groups to address inequalities in large Brazilian cities. It provides workshops and advisory services aimed at the economic inclusion of young people in times of crisis, as well as political training on issues of inequality and the right to the city. INESC is the project’s reference institution in Brasilia, but it also takes place in Recife, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, where it is executed by the NGOs Fase, Ibase, Criola, Ação Educativa, Instituto Pólis and Oxfam Brazil.

In the Federal District, about 30 collectives participate around Hip Hop, solidarity-based economies, occupation of public spaces for cultural activities, and the fight against racism and patriarchy.

One of the initiatives of the project is the Youth in the Cities Guide, an instrument that seeks to give visibility to public policies for youths in defense of the right to the city. The guide summarizes the current policies and points out the absences, also gathering information about different initiatives of young people from the cities involved in the project.

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